Save on Utility Bills

Save on Utility Bills
Chances are if you're reading this, you're interested in reducing the amount of energy your home uses, as well as the amount of money spent on that energy. The ultimate goal for many is is to completely elminate utility bills entirely and having an off-grid home powered entirely by renewable energy.
While this may not be possible for everyone, there are some very smart choices you can make to dramatically save on utility bills.
We will review many of these money-saving techniques and as there are new developments in technology, we will investigate these products or systems as well.
Compare Utility Prices
It pays to do a bit of research to find utility companies that offer the most competitive pricing (in areas where such competition is allowed.)
This s is especially helpful for those of us that are doing a site search for a new home and wish to make comparisons on utilities costs and services that are available in the area.
Best of all? The service is free! Go to our page on Compare Utility Prices and begin your savings today!
Buy Energy Star Appliances
Our modern homes are full of appliances that make life easier, and better. And they all use enormous amounts of energy. The Energy Star certification program was created to help consumers identify the most energy-efficient appliances available.
Energy Star appliances must meet a strict list of criteria, and be at least 20% more energy-efficient than the average model. Look for the Energy Star label on products and appliances, and be assured that you're getting the most efficient models possible.
Visit our page on Energy Star Appliances.
Window Insulation Film
New, super-efficient windows are the best at reducing energy costs, but there are ways to reduce energy usage and costs with any existing window. Installing plastic window insulation film over windows or doors is a simple, inexpensive, and highly effective way to reduce energy costs. By reducing air leakage and drafts, plastic window film can save up to $20 per window per winter, depending on the type of furnace and location of the home.
Visit our page on Window Insulation Filmto learn more.
Green Electricity Suppliers
Using this service gives you the choice of gas electric suppliers in your area. The services bases the selections on gas and electricity prices, contract terms, green/renewable energy options and many other factors that are important to the homeowner.
Make an apples for apples comparison and find out when service is for you and make your decision much easier and more informed.
Visit our page on Green Electricity Supplier.
Green Electricity Suppliers
Using this service gives you the choice of gas electric suppliers in your area. The services bases the selections on gas and electricity prices, contract terms, green/renewable energy options and many other factors that are important to the homeowner.
Make an apples for apples comparison and find out when service is for you and make your decision much easier and more informed.
Visit our page on Green Electricity Supplier.
LED Light Fixtures
LEDs are the next generation of super-efficient lighting products. The prices of these fixtures has been steadily decreasing and LEDs are becoming more cost competitive with other energy-saving lighting systems.
LED light fixtures feature extremely long lasting bulbs, incredible durability and a lighting sources that will most likely last for your lifetime. Additionally, the light quality and output has increased dynamically over the past few years and as a result, they are a viable option to be utilized in our green homes. They are also fully dimmable and mercury-free.
To find out more about this great energy-saving technology, visit the page on LED Light Fixtures.
LED Light Bulbs
CFLs are the lightbulb of choice for today's energy-efficient homes, but new advancements in LED lighting technology may soon change that.
Newer LED light bulbs are 75% more efficient than incandescent bulbs, last 25,000 hours, and have no mercury to worry about.
Click here to learn more about how LED Light Bulbs can save you massive amounts of energy and give you a long-lasting bulb that perhaps could last you a lifetime.
LED Christmas Lights
New designs in LED Christmas lights recreate the look of traditional Christmas light strings while using only a fraction of the energy. For those looking to deck their halls without wasting lots of energy and money, LED lighting is the way to go.
Interested which LED lights you should consider for your Christmas Tree or elsewhere in your home? Be sure to review our article on LED Christmas Lights. before you buy - you won't be sorry!
Philips L Prize LED Light Bulb
LED lights are poised to become the standard for residential lighting; they are super-efficient, long-lasting, dimmable, and mercury-free.
The Philips L Prize is the first winner of the L Prize competition, pushing the envelope of light bulb technology. .
Be sure to read up on this facinating process and the LED bulb that started it all the Philips L Prize LED Light Bulb.
CFL Lights
These great, energy efficient light bulbs have been around for quite a few years and they still are an efficient-lighting option you should consider for certain applications where other light sources can't compete.
While they outlast conventional bulbs by up to 12 times and they put out lighting levels equal to 3 to 4 times the energy they use, there are some negative that you need to know about.
For more information about these lights, visit our page on CFL Lights.
CFL Lights - Part 2
Improvements in compact fluorescent light bulbs have made them comparable to incandescent bulbs in term of light quality. Their lower prices make them an economically viable solution for energy-efficient lighting, but there are some special concerns that the consumer should be aware of.
This is the second part of the CFL article and contains additional information to aid you in your decision in the purchase of CFL light bulbs CFL Lights-Part 2.
Phantom Power Reduction
Many electrical devices around the home, such as TVs and coffee makers, use a small amount of power even when turned off.
This standby, or phantom, power can add up to 10% to a home's electricity usage. Reducing or eliminating this phantom load can quickly, and easily, reduce your energy usage.
To find out more about Phantom Power Reduction, be sure to read this article.

Smart Home Systems
Smart Houses
Smart home technology? How smart should you home be? That is a good question and one that deserves special analysis. It is extremely convenient for home systems to be programmed to come on and shut off at pre-selected time, to shut down systems of-site with a simple click on your computer or even your smart phone. But is it for you?
We will investigate what you should look for, what level of convenience you should attain and what are the maintenance and technology requirements that are expected for the average homeowner.
Visit the page Smart Houses for the facts on installing a smart home systems in your new green home, or upgrading your existing home.

Blower Door Test
Blower Door Test
Most homes, especially older homes, could benefit from some upgrades in efficiency. Adding more insulation and installing more efficient doors and windows can dramatically lower a home's energy usage.
A great way to identify problems in your home's air envelope is to perform a blower door test. By measuring the amount of air leakage into and out of a home, a blower door test lets you know how airtight your home currently is, and where you can make improvements to increase efficiency. Most energy utilities offer low-cost or free energy inspections, including blower door tests.
Click HERE to read more about blower door tests.

Home Winterizing
Winterize Your Home to Save Energy and Money
You don't need to spend a fortune on new windows, insulation, and furnaces to save money and energy during the winter. There are many simple, inexpensive projects you can undertake that will make a huge difference in both your comfort levels and your utility bills this winter!
Learn more about Home Winterizing Projects HERE.
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