Green Home Certification - Using Sustainable Design

Energy Star Certified Homes
Since purchasing or constructing a new home is probably one of the biggest investments most of us will make in our lifetime, it makes sense to to choose our products wisely.
By using the trusted government's Energy Star Label as your guiding source, you will be assured to get the healthy, energy efficient home of your dreams, that is built according to strict guidelines set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
To find out more about obtaining an Certified Green Home With an Energy Star Label, please consult our article, Energy Star Home Plans.
LEED For Homes Certification
The U.S. Green Building Council has created the LEED for Homes certification program. LEED measures how 'green' a building is, and is the standard for green buildings worldwide. A LEED home will save energy, water, and money; it will be healthier; and it will have a higher resale value.
A home must be inspected and tested by the U.S. Green Building Council in order to receive the LEED Certified green seal of approval.
To find out more about designing an LEED Certified Green Home, read our article, LEED For Homes Certification.
LEED Certification
LEED certification for homes is a scorecard that sets targets for performance, then tracks progress throughout a home's design and construction.
LEED provides a detailed list of all the ways a home is green.
To find out more about designing a LEED Certified home, please visit our article: LEED Certification.
Energy Star Certification
Energy Star Homes are one part of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) nationally recognized symbol for energy efficiency. The Energy Star label for a home is the same label as you see when you shop for products such as energy-efficient electronics and appliances.
To find out more about designing an Energy Star Certified home, visit our article: Energy Star Labeled Homes.
NAHB Green Building Standard
The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), the nation's leading builder's organization, has established the NAHB Green Building Standard in an effort to establish a credible, nationally-recognized green standard for new or existing buildings, including family homes.
To get more information on the NAHB Green Building Standard, read our article: NAHB Green Building Standard.
Green Built Michigan
Green Built Michigan is the official green building program of the Michigan Association of Home Builders, and is the only affiliated program in Michigan for the National Association of Home Builders Green Program.
Green Built Michigan began in 2000 by the Home & Building Association of Greater Grand Rapids as one of the first green certification programs in the nation. The program was expanded statewide in 2006. To learn more, visit Green Built Michigan