Residential HVAC Systems

Residential HVAC Systems
With Americans spending an average of 90% of their time indoors, the quality of our air delivery systems for both heating and air-conditioning is of utmost importance.
It is a documented fact that indoor air pollutants can be up to 5 times, and occasionally up to 100 times higher than the air outdoors, according to the EPA.
Families that reside in Europe are equally exposed according the the World Health Organization as it is reported in the Air Quality Guidelines for Europe.
Therefore, selection of quality Residential HVAC systems is key to providing a healthy environment for the home occupants. And coupled with that, reduction of source chemical compounds in the home from finish products, floor and wall finishes and furniture can all help develop the ultimate indoor living experience.
Selecting Residential HVAC systems that are energy efficient, resource efficient, and low maintenance can impact the green aspects of your home in a profound manner. Here are some innovative and efficient ways to heat (or cool) your green home.
Geothermal Heating and Cooling
Geothermal energy uses the limitless supply of energy located just below our feet rather than polluting fossil fuels to heat and cool a home.
Below the frost line, the earth's temperature is a constant 50-55 degrees. Geothermal energy installations tap into this heat to reduce the home's overall heating and cooling loads. Instead of burning fuel for heat, geothermal simply moves heat: from the earth into the home, and vice versa. Learn about this fascinating and efficient form of renewable heating and cooling HERE.
Mini-Split Systems
Mini-split systems are a great choice for several reasons. These systems don't require any ductwork, making them easy to install in new homes or room additions. By placing the compressor and condensor units outside the home, only a small blower unit is installed inside, connected via copper pipe through a very small opening in the wall.
Mini-split units allow for heating and cooling individual rooms; units in separate rooms can provide different temperatures as needed. They are able to more efficiently heat or cool only rooms that are being used, rather than one central HVAC system treating the entire home. To learn more about mini-split systems, click HERE.
In-Floor Heating Options
Underfloor radiant heating systems do an excellent job providing comfortable, uniform heat by using electric or hydronic systems to radiate heat into a room through the flooring.
The use of radiant floor heating an a super-efficient green home design should be considered carefully, however.
Radiant floor heat can often lead to overheating in a green home design, and it's expensive cost can often be better utilized in making the overall home more energy-efficient.
To find out more about these great systems that are available today, visit our article on In-Floor Heating Systems.
Electric Radiant Heat
Electric radiant heat can provide comfortable, efficient heat in new home constructions if used in floors with a high thermal mass. Electric radiant floor heat systems also offer easy installation for retrofitting new homes with radiant floor heat.
Systems are available for use beneath tile floors, laminate floors and many others. These systems can bring comfort to a cold tile floor or other hard surface.
Go to our article on Electric Radiant Heat, to find out more about this great in-floor heating systems for both new construction and home remodeling projects.
Radiant Heat Flooring
Radiant Heat Flooring systems do an excellent job providing comfortable, uniform heat by using electric or hydronic systems to radiate heat into a room through the flooring. The use of radiant floor heating an a super-efficient green home design should be considered carefully, however. Radiant floor heat can often lead to overheating in a green home design, and it's expensive cost can often be better utilized in making the overall home more energy-efficient.
Visit our article on Radiant Heat Flooring, to learn more about this great way to heat your home today!
Radiant Floor Heating Installation
Radiant floor heating systems can provide a quiet, comfortable, and efficient method for heating a home. It's important to plan ahead to determine which type of radiant heat system is best for your situation, and which types of flooring materials are best suited to a radiant floor system.
Visit our article on Radiant Floor Heating Installation, to find out how this system can and should be installed in your green home.
Underfloor Heating Information
There are several different installation options available for radiant floor heating systems. Which option you choose depends on if you're building a new home or renovating an existing home, whether you are installing a wet (hydronic) or dry (electrical) system, and whether you want to install it yourself or leave the job to a professional contractor.
Visit our article on Underfloor Heating Information, to find out how this system can and should be installed in your green home.
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