Home Wind Energy

Home Wind Energy - Wind Map
Site Wind Analysis:
Will wind energy work on your site? Go to this article to find out how to do a through wind analysis study of your site. We will give you wind resource map info rmation, advice on local site conditions, energy payback information, and the necessary steps to analyze a site prior to purchase.
Already purchased your land? Then use this site analysis information to investigate if wind energy is a viable alternative for you.
Click on Site Wind Analysis to find out more information.
How Does Wind Energy Work?
Don't know too much about wind energy? Well then, this article is for you! We will take you through the necessary educational steps,
in a very easy-to-understand manner, we will begin to teach you just how wind energy works, why it is a green energy source, and how you can utilize it on you newly constructed home, or make it a great choice to add to your existing residence to save a lot on your energy bills.
To learn about site selection, orientation, shading obstacles and many more solar design issues, read How Does Wind Energy Work?.
Cost of Wind Energy:
This is certainly one of the more important questions than all prospective homeowners have in order to make an educated decision on wind energy. System cost is one of the essential factor that is needed when calculation the payback of a system and comparing the wind energy to other green energy systems.
We will take a look at several different sized systems, service length, efficiencies and equipment costs, install costs and those nasty hidden costs, like system maintenance and other unforeseen factors.
Find out about all of this information and more in the article on the Cost of Wind Energy.

Advantages of Wind Energy
Advantages of Wind Energy:
Wind Energy, just like other alternative energy systems has it's advantages and it's disadvantages.
We will investigate the issues pertaining to the installation of a small wind energy turbine and how the average homeowner can deal this with in this very informative article. There are a lot of advantages, but you need to be aware of the pitfalls as well.
Read the article on the Advantages of Wind Energy to get the facts you should know before making the decision to include Wind Energy in your new home construction.

Small Wind Turbines
Small Wind Turbines:
We are all familiar with those large windmills we see in the commercial wind farms that are springing up in many communities. But, what about the small turbines? What is available for the single family residential homeowner?
What about all the buzz about horizontal axis wind turbines vs. vertical axis units? Which is better and which, if any is pumped-up with unrealistic return expectations on the amount of energy the really produce?
Learn about what is available to the single family homeowner in the article Small Wind Turbines, or read about the latest in small wind turbine design with the Archimedes Liam F1 Small Wind Turbine.
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