Green Energy

Ways to Conserve Electricity
The subjects of green design, sustainable living and renewable electricity are quickly gaining the attention of the mainstream media.
What drives this discussion is how we as humans are affecting the environment with our lifestyles; specifically the amount of energy we use in our daily lives, and where that energy comes from.
There is an endless amount of discussion on the concerns of global warming and how our use of fossil fuels is impacting the world we live in.
As a consequence, scientists are pointing to some significant climate changes that can be attributed to our continued use of fossil fuels.
There is of course some dispute to these findings and rightly so. The records that we base these prediction against are relatively short periods of time.
Nevertheless, we should all try to become more responsible in the way we spend our relatively short lives on this planet. We should make it a goal with our living habits to preserve a healthy environment for our children and grandchildren.
During the past century, the average life expectancy has risen between 50% and 60% , and humans are becoming more educated about the earth and expressing a desire to pursue healthier living conditions.
With the soaring costs of electricity and how we produce it today, Green Electricity has come to the forefront as a way to obtain inexpensive and reliable energy that minimizes our reliance on fossil fuels.
There has been a lot of development on alternative sources of electricity, and we will investigate some of these sources here.
Green Energy Suppliers:

Green energy suppliers provide the necessary power to cool, heat and supply electric energy to the electronic devices in your home.
Choosing a reliable, cost efficient green energy supplier requires the homeowner to consider how the energy is generated.
Learn about what Green Energy Suppliers are and how to get in contact with them and what questions you should ask of them.
Solar Energy Facts:
Solar energy is all around us each and every day. Can you imagine trying to exist on our planet without the power of the sun? Impossible!
There are a many interesting facts concerning Solar Energy and knowing more about Solar Energy will aid you in your choices of how best to harness its power.
For a listing of interesting facts visit Solar Energy Facts. To learn about Google's Project Sunroof and its ability to determine whether solar power is a good choice for your home, click HERE.
Wind Energy Facts:

Likewise, it would be hard to imagine life of earth without a whisper of wind. In recent years, there have been many efficient and effective methods in harnessing the wind's power.
Knowing these facts will help you in the decision-making process in selecting wind powered energy.
This article will educate you with many facts about these wind systems. For more information, visit Wind Energy Facts.
Wood Energy:
Many homeowners are turning to wood for their home heating, and even water heating, needs.
Burning wood for heat isn't without its issues, however. Particulates, soot, and smoke from inefficient fireplaces and wood stoves leads to air pollution and can lead to health issues for those exposed to them for long periods.
Learn more about how to use wood as a renewable form of energy HERE.
Energy Tax Credits:
There are a mind numbing number of tax credits that are available for the many solar and wind-based energy systems that are on the market right now.
These tax credits are not only offered at the state and federal levels, but there is an ever increasing offering on the county, city and utility levels as well.
We will provide you with what is available, where to get the latest and greatest information and what systems qualify and what systems do not. Be sure to visit our Energy Tax Credits section for more information.
Net Metering:
While technically not a green electricity system, net metering and it's availability to your home is a critical piece of the puzzle in obtaining the most versatile and cost efficient system possible.
We will give you direction and information so you can find out the key information on net metering. You will learn how it works and how to set your home up to utilize it as part of your overall Green Electricity strategy.
Find answers about net metering and more at our page, Net Metering
Green Energy Design:

In order to easily implement a Green Electricity plan, you need to know about the methods of green design and how to adapt your home to accommodate these green systems.
We will show you how, what procedures to follow, and how to plan for systems you will currently install. You will also learn how to make provisions in your home's electrical system to easily add a green system at a later date.
Clean Energy From Toilets?!?:

Working in conjunction with a company called Lucid Energy, the city of Portland, Oregon is creating energy from a new source: the water that flows through underground water pipes.
By placing hydroelectric turbines into water mains, power is generated as water flows through them. Everyday water usage (from faucets, showers, even toilet flushes) is effortlessly converted into usable electric power. Once fully implemented, these turbines could provide energy for hundreds of thousands of homes.
Click HERE to learn more about Portland's exciting new energy project.
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